Monday, May 4, 2009

Playing Catch Up

I thought I should probably take a little time to catch up on what has been going on around here...

Saturday, April 25th was the PROM...Becca went with a friend from school, Clayton. We met friends at Corporate Park for pictures then they were off to dinner at Satterfields.

Monday, April 27th was the OMMS track and field banquet. It was a fun BBQ dinner, a slide show and ribbons and awards given by the coach. Here is my slide show of the season.

The middle of the week was pretty routine except for an occasional trip to Heardmont Park for John to get in some running...OMHS XC time trial are May 7th and he wants to make a good showing.

Saturday, May 2nd, J.R. hung some curtain rods so that I could put up curtains in the Family Room. What do you think?

Before: This was before new tile floors, furniture & rug, oh and by the way the dolls on the mantel were not part of the decor just a place to rest while I had them listed on ebay.

After: Still need a large end table and lamp to go at the corner of the sofa and recliner

On Saturday, I downloaded a new budgeting program recommended by a friend called..."You Need A Budget". It looks like it will eliminate a few steps for me in my quest to manage our money. I will keep you posted on how it is working out.

Sunday, May 3rd was Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church's 20th Anniversary celebration, we have been in the church 19 years. It was great to see so many faces from the past. Most of all it was awesome to have everyone in one service worshiping together.

Finally, my bargain of the week. Well, J.R. bought his Mt. Dew at Walgreens last week, they had the best price plus $3 RR, so when the new adds came out yesterday I had $6 RR to use and John needed a 12 pack of soft drinks to take to school today...since a variety of soft drinks were $11/3 and I would get $5 RR back, I headed to Walgreens. This is how things turned you will see I learned some lessons along the way...

Store #1

12 pk Sunkist
12 pk CD Gingerale
12 pk Dr. Pepper
paid: $11.55 register would not print RR

Manger...I will void this and try again, let me ring up your other stuff first...

how it was suppose to go...would have spent only $1.48+tax

Bic Soleil Razors
$5.99 - $2 coupon = $3.99 - $3 RR = $0.99 (not realizing I wouldn't earn my $2 RR)
Shout Wipes
$3.49 - $3 RR = $0.49

how it turned out...spent $4.48+tax (still saved $5)

Bic Soleil Razors
$5.99 - $2 coupon = $3.99 (would not accept $3 RR and did not print new $2 RR)
Shout Wipes
$3.49 - $3 RR = $0.49

What did I learn...divide items into 2 groups those that I will earn RR on and those I will not. Pay for items earning RR first then use the just earned RR on the remaining items. The total bill must be over the amount of RR I want to use.

Now remember the soft drinks...well the manger refunded me and rang up the order again still no RR...his response was I am going to have to call corporate would you like a refund...HECK YEA! response I will just go to the other Walgreens. Get refund of $11.55.

Arrive at Store #2

how it turned out...spent $12.46 saved $8

12 pk Sunkist
12 pk CD Gingerale
12 pk Dr. Pepper
$11/3 = $11.55 (earned $5 RR)

Clorox Wand Refill
4 Zone Perfect Protein Bars (was only charged for 3 - I will have to take care of that)
used $5 RR + $3 RR

Walgreens total spent $17.41 saved $13...I'll take it!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Are You Participating in the Recession?

Meal Planning & A Grocery Budget

I don't know about you but for myself meal planning while trying to maintain a grocery budget is not fun at all. I would say I can do pretty well half of the month which works out for us to be about half of each week. The other days it is a lot of leftovers and scraping up what ever you can find. I am having to admit to myself that we make awful choices of what we eat when I do not consistently plan our meals, so...I am going back to something I used a while back and we will be eating well and I will not have to plan it.

You may be wondering what I am talking is E-MEALZ !!! I ran across an article in Southern Living in 2007 about this meal planning service and gave it a try. It was wonderful and I used it for almost a year. I am not sure now why I stopped because it is the best and easiest meal planning service around...well, I am renewing my subscription and I won't be leaving.

Here are the benefits of this service, as I see it:
  • it keeps me on budget, because the meals are planned based on weekly sales at the grocery
  • the recipes are simple
  • each weeks menu contains a good variety
  • it is easy to edit the shopping list if decide not to use one of the meals for that week
  • it is reasonably priced ($1.25 a week)
This is how I use the service. I like shopping at Publix so I purchase the family meal plan for Publix. Each week (on Wednesdays for Publix) I just sign in to my account at and print my menu for the week and my grocery list. Next, I check my pantry and refrigerator for anything I may already have on hand. Then I take my shopping list and pull coupons to match the items I will be buying this week. Just that simply I am ready to stock my kitchen for the upcoming week.

If you want to give your meal planning to someone else give E-MEALZ a try. You can check out the website by clicking below. By the way, there are sample menus you can check out on the website. Give it a try, you won't be sorry.


Friday, April 17, 2009


I just love mosaics. This is a tile my daughter, Becca, made in her craft class at school. Crafts is a class reserved for seniors at our high school. Abby took it as well. They do all kinds of projects in this class...basketry, paint floor mats, pottery, drawing, silk painting and paint a piece of furniture.

Thank You, Becca, I love it & I Love You, too.


We had a lovely Easter Sunday. After church we had my parents and some friends over for lunch and an egg hunt for the kids. Our menu was deviled eggs, spinach dip w/ triscuts, ham, asparagus, potato salad, strawberry and mandarin orange jello salad, rolls, brownies, butter cake w/ orange glaze and pastel frosted cupcakes. The egg hunt was hilarious our children range from 13-20 years old. My husband bought some plastic eggs and stuffed them with various things like rubber bands, small marshmallows, cough drops and some candy. It was also nice to have Monday off from school so the whole day was very relaxing an allowed time to reflect on Jesus.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

I can't believe it has been a week since I last posted. It has been a good week and a Good Friday. Our week started with a special Palm Sunday music celebration at our church. I love the way Jason, our worship leader, does these special services we have a few time a year. All of the words are on the screen and we sing along when we like. It is very worshipful rather than a performance. Jason also intersperses some video clips throughout. One that was especially meaningful gave a look at sin and forgiveness. I am so thankful for God's forgiveness, love and the grace he shows me each day. You can view this clip here on Jason's blog:

The remainder of the week was filled with task in preparation for our Easter Celebration on Sunday with friends and family. Although I was quite busy with all of the things I wanted to accomplish this week the Lord was gracious to remind me several times through out the week of his unconditional love. It is such a great feeling to know that I can not do anything to deserve or earn God's love. Because if it were all up to me I would be in trouble. One of my favorite hymns sums it all up...

Great is Thy Faithfulness

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father; 
There is no shadow of turning with Thee; 
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; 
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be. 

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest, 
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above 
Join with all nature in manifold witness 
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. 

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth 
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; 
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, 
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

Great is Thy faithfulness! 
Great is Thy faithfulness! 
Morning by morning new mercies I see. 
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; 
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I just love phlox. This beautiful little patch was started from a few sprigs I pulled from another patch a few years ago. I love the way it is overflowing. I plan to start a few other patches here and there.